
How To Write A Check


Writing checks is a common way to make payments, yet many people find the process confusing or intimidating. With the right guidance, writing checks can become a simple and straightforward task. In this guide, we will walk through the step-by-step process for properly filling out checks. Whether you are new to writing checks or need a refresher, this post will provide you with the key steps, helpful tips, and important security features to keep in mind.

After reading, you will feel confident in your ability to write checks accurately and securely. You will understand how to fill in each section of a check, manage your checking account responsibility, and avoid costly mistakes. Writing checks may seem outdated in the age of digital payments, but checks still have unique advantages and remain an important payment method in the financial system.

Key Takeaways


• Use black or blue ink when filling out a check

• Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format

• Spell out the amount in words and write it in numbers

• Sign the check with your usual signature


• Keep record of checks in your check register

Steps To Write A Check

Selecting a Checkbook

The first step is to make sure you have a checkbook from your bank. When opening a current account, most banks will issue you a checkbook. If you need a new one, you can request a checkbook from your bank. Confirm from your bank the cost of ordering a new checkbook.

When selecting checks, opt for a checkbook with duplicate copies. The duplicate slip allows you to keep a carbon copy of each check you write for your records. This helps you track payments and avoid overdrawing your account.

Filling Out a Check

Now let’s go through each section of a standard check and how to properly fill it out:


Date – In the top right corner, write the date. Use the DD/MM/YYYY date format. For example, if today is January 18, 2024, you would write 18/01/2024. Writing the date prevents stale checks from being cashed later on.

Payee – The payee is the person or company you are paying. Write their full name on the line after “Pay to the order of.” For example: Pay to the order of John Smith.

Amount in Words – On the line after “The sum of,” write out the check amount in words. For a check of 5,000 naira, write The sum of Five Thousand Naira Only. This protects against a number of alterations.

Amount in Figures – Write the numeric dollar amount in the box on the right side. Be sure it matches the written amount. For example, ₦5,000.00.

Memo – The memo line is for noting what the payment is for. You can write an account number, invoice number, or purpose like “Birthday Gift.” This helps you keep track of the payment later.

Signature – Sign your name as you would on official documents. Your bank will have this signature on file. Do not print.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips when writing checks:

• Use black or blue ink that does not smear. Never use a pencil.
• Write neatly and press firmly so the information transfers to the duplicate slip.
• Do not leave blank spaces where amounts could be added. Draw a line through unused spaces.
• If you make an error, clearly void the check by writing VOID in large letters. Destroy the check and use a new one.
• For high amounts, add the word “only” after the written amount. This prevents unapproved additions.
• Keep your checkbook secure and in a safe place to prevent theft.
• Use a check register to record withdrawals. This helps you track account balances.
• Contact your bank immediately if your checkbook is lost or stolen.

Check Processing

When you hand someone a check, how long does it take to clear into their account? Check processing times depend on whether the check is deposited locally or out of state.

For checks deposited at the same bank, funds are usually available within 24 hours. If deposited after bank hours, it may take an extra business day.

For checks to another bank, clearing times are typically 1-3 business days.

Checks drawn on banks outside Nigeria can take 3-4 weeks to clear. The check is sent internationally for collection.

You can avoid long waits by using electronic transfers instead of checks for out-of-state and international payments.

Managing Your Checking Account

To avoid overdrawing your account, proper check management is essential:

• Do not write a check if you do not have sufficient funds. Checks with insufficient funds will be returned. This incurs fees and penalties.

• Balance your check register frequently to know your running balance. Subtract each check when written.

• Sign up for text or email alerts. Your bank can notify you when your balance drops below a set threshold.

• Link your savings account as overdraft protection. Transfers will automatically cover insufficient funds.

• Review bank statements promptly to catch any errors. Report unauthorized checks immediately.

• Store blank and canceled checks securely. Never pre-sign blank checks.

Following these best practices will help you avoid costly mistakes when managing your checking account and writing checks.

Check Security Features

Nigerian check forms contain security features that help verify authenticity and prevent fraud. When accepting checks, look for these features:

Watermarks – Hold the check-up to the light. Watermarks depicting the bank logo are embedded in the paper.

Microprinting – Very small printed text is difficult to reproduce. Examine the edges of the check to verify the microprint.

Security Screening – Artwork and coloring on the backs of checks are hard to duplicate.

Artificial Watermarks – Color gradient boxes indicate attempts at duplication.

Warning Bands – Colored bands on the back warn against changes and alterations.

If any security features are missing or appear altered, do not accept the check. Contact the bank to verify the check before depositing.

Advantages of Checks

While electronic payments are increasing, checks still have unique advantages:

1. No need for an internet connection or point-of-sale system to make payments

2. Payee does not need a bank account or digital wallet to receive funds

3. Clear paper trails for payments made and received

4. Can be post-dated for future expenses

5. Wide acceptance at businesses of all sizes

6. Familiar payment method for those hesitant about electronic payments

7. Physical backup if electronic systems fail

For these reasons, checks continue to have an important role in the world financial system. Following proper procedures for filling them out minimizes the risk of errors or fraud.


Writing a check may seem complicated if you have never done it before. By taking it step-by-step and double-checking your work, the process becomes quick and easy. Always have your check register on hand to keep balances up to date. If questions come up, do not hesitate to visit your bank for assistance on properly completing checks. Following these best practices will ensure accurate, secure payments and smooth account management moving forward.


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